Digital Menu Boards
You Sell and We Manage!
See how to easily manage your menu boards from our single platform. See how you can use those screens to attract your customers! We can help you!
The right digital display signage strategy and content programming will deliver a big RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) by cutting long-term costs, maximizing sales opportunities and increasing customer loyalty.

Promotional Boards
Your customers love promotions and we can help your promotions catch their eyes every time they visit your store! Schedule it and let it play!
You can promote:
Morning Special
Lunch Menu
Happy Hour
Special Promotions
3 Hour Special Sales
Today Only!
Student Discount
And many more...
We will give you an idea of how to utilize this promotional board to attract your customers!

Client Sample
Big Deli Store, NYC

The best way for marketers and merchandisers to approach investing in digital display signage question is to not think of the cost of installing digital signage; rather they should first consider the cost of not upgrading to digital. Digital signage is rapidly becoming the market standard and consumers will expect retailers to stay on-pace with digital technology.
Second, the wide range of benefits digital signage offers to all stakeholders. Digital signage positively affects marketers, consumers, the company’s bottom line and even society as a whole.
Societal Benefits
Digital signage is an environmentally friendly solution that reduces retailer’s waste and demonstrates to consumers your dedication to being green. Companies striving to reduce their carbon footprint is powerful and Digital signage reinforces embracingtechnology that saves the earth.
Marketing Benefits
The benefits of digital signage to retailers’ marketing teams are limitless. Digital signage provides the ability to changing promotional material and displays as frequently as needed. With digital signage solutions using cloud technology, marketers can control all their store’s screens from one dashboard. No more time will be wasted sending flash drives and posters to print to stores.
Consumer Benefits
With digital signage, you can create a multi-channel experience that provides in-store shoppers with both online and offline benefits. Digital signs can include
a sweepstakes or contest that reinforce brands image and capture data.
Financial Benefits
Digital displays have been proven to drive more in-store sales. With consumers raising in-store expectations, retailers can benefit greatly from implementing digital signage. Digital signage reduces waste; saves employees time and can increase brand value and sales.
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